Voluspa Moso Bamboo Fragrance

Voluspa Moso Bamboo Fragrance

Voluspa Moso Bamboo fragrance is a blend of Moso Bamboo, black musc and Japanese cypress, with a subtle hint of floral notes.

Moso Bamboo is a type of bamboo that is native to China and Japan, and is known for its fresh and green scent. Black musc is a warm and earthy fragrance note that adds depth and richness to the blend. Japanese cypress, also known as hinoki, is a type of wood that has a woody and resinous aroma, and is often used in traditional Japanese architecture.

Voluspa Moso Bamboo fragrance is intended to create a calming and soothing atmosphere in any space it is used in. It is available in various forms, such as candles, diffusers, and room sprays, making it easy to incorporate into any home fragrance routine.

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